Kamis, 17 Maret 2011

Imran Abbas Pictures With Some Girls

Imran Abbas our top rated Muslim Hunks is comeback, now out with pictures with some girls. I have to said that I thanks to Imran Abbas because makes my site number one in keyword "Muslim Hunk" and post about him titled Imran Abbas wearing Traditional Dress becoming number one for popular post, Thanks for that!. And Believe it or not Pakistan, the country where Imran cane from is majority visitor of my site. So I'm glad and happy with it. Thanks to Imran Abbas The Prince Charming From Pakistan and Pakistani peoples.

Anyway back to topic, we know that Imran is typical shy hunk who never date any girl so far. Maybe because he was a good Muslim hunk, i give applaud to him. Or maybe he doesn't want to make any relationship because focusing in his career. But in the end we never know what exactly reason why Imran not dating a girl yet.

Well contradicts with statement there are a lot of pictures showing Imran Abbas posing in the front cameras with some sexy hot girls, what would it be? what happen? why he doesn't have dating yet? I believe many girls out there so much want him to be his boyfriend, because we know he's hot. Just check the pictures below and give your thought.

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