Rabu, 14 September 2011

Omar Awad

Omar Awad is male model and beauty pageant from Egypt. He represent Egypt in Mr World 2007 in China but eventually lost to front runner winner Juan Garcia Postigo from Spain. Even though he was from Egypt, Awad was raised in USA. In US he attended UCLA majoring Graphic computer.

Omar Awad describe himself as happy person and have respect to other cultures. He also said the he loves challenges and competition, so he said Mr World contest was right for him. In his spare time Omar loves to swimming, playing Volleyball, Basketball,and horse riding. That's not only his talent, Omar also an amazing dancer, his speciality is Latin, Arabic and Hip Hop. Damn, I want to see he dancing so much, its gonna be the most sexiest scene from him. Omar also Multilingual, he spoke Arabic,French and English fluently. What smart hunks!

Omar's profile/biodata:
  • Full name : Omar Awad
  • Place/Date of Birth: Cairo, 23 June 1986
  • Nationality : Egyptian/Egypt
  • Height : 5'11
  • Weight : 171 lbs
  • Hair : short dark
  • Eyes : Brown
  • Pageant Joined : Mr Egypt 2007 (Winner), Mr World 2007(third runner up)
  • Occupation : Computer Graphic, Model

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