Jumat, 23 September 2011

Imran Abbas To Be New Face Of Gul Ahmed Menswear

My Prince Charming, Imran Abbas is come out great news. He was now the front model of Pakistan's leading fashion designer, Gul Ahmed. The Fashion designer, Gul Ahmed said that his decision to pick Imran Abbas as their leading model is because Imran is known good role model ,beside he have charming and good looking physique. Imran Now had been taken his picture for the summer campaign. Gul Ahmed himself said that he satisfied and happy to know that he could take Imran Abbas as the new face. "I think this collection will sold out with Imran, he just amazing" He said. Of course it will, Imran just an Charismatic model and actor.

Actually this was busy years for Imran, he got many job as male model than acting. Before Gul Ahmed Menswear, Imran also signed by Pakistan's number one telecommunication bran Telenoro Talkshaws. This gonna be his peak time in his career before he got married to his love partner. Good Job Imran!

In My opinion, Gul Ahmed Menswear 2011 is very colourful but still fashionable. I like how they combining the cultural side with modern side. It just describe Pakistan future when the traditional value was mixed with modernity. Imran look amazing in it, I hope I can buy for my husband but I'm affrays that they not sell those collection in here in My country, Indonesia. But anyway just looking Imran wore it is enough for me. :) LOL

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