Sabtu, 12 Maret 2011

OMG! Rishi Idnani Kiss A Girl!

We never heard news that Rishi Idnani have girlfriend, but on last week the hottest Muslim Hunks was photographed kissing a girl. I don't know how to describe it, but wow they look hot couples honestly. I don't know about that girl, but one thing I know about her that she also a model who working in New York just like Rishi.

Rishi always close to his personal life, He never talks about having relationship with any girl, even someone accused him as a gay but this picture absolutely make the accusation is unproven. Go head Rishi bring it on your girl to media!

3 komentar:

  1. Georgeous Rishi, it seems, comes from the Sindh in Pakistan. There used to be many Hindus there, and Rishi is not a Muslim name. Is Rishi really a Muslim, or is this just an assumption?. If he is, he can certainly wear a loincloth/thong without dissaproval, although his pictures may still raise eyebrows of wonder.

  2. Rishi Idnani is Hindu, "Rishi" is Sanskrit for "Hindu Sage or Saint"

    and being "gay" isn't an accusation just an orientation, you should probably leave your homophobia out of your blog

    1. wow relax, I'm never said he was a Muslim,,,this blog created for Middle Easter/Persian/Indian hunks not particularly for muslim only..that's all
