Jumat, 11 Maret 2011

OMG! Ayman Of Pan Arabic Idol Playing With a Dog

Ayman of Pan Arabic Idol maybe lost his mind. On Sunday, he was spotted playing with a dog. What the hell this men thinking? does he know that touching a dog is forbidden in Islam?. Maybe he stress because didn't won the Idol. This men is totally nut and insane.

I was curious, why in Arab there are dog? I was thought Arab land is Shariah Law Strict ed and of course dog, alcohol and other harem thing is forbid to enter in. But maybe I thought all this time was wrong, Arabs maybe is no different with western peoples. In fact in some place in Arab a lot of "maksiat" place for example is Dubai. You can find many harem things in this city and yes all of that is allowed in this Arab sin city.

Ayman probably one of the loser singer that I ever seen. He was disgrace to Arab and Islam. He thought that if he have dog everyone will thought good about him. He probably try to imitates the western peoples: Have dog and playing with it. I think this men lost his identity as a Muslim and Arab. He never know that Dog is prohibit in Islam and of course to have a dog is forbiden.

Someone must tell this "poor men" and makes him back to the right path. I hope Allah will give him hidayah and comeback to the right way. Amin

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